Talbots fundraiser extended

TalbotsOn Thursday evening Karen Uboldi represented the Friends at the Talbots fundraiser, telling customers about our mission, inviting them to join us, publicizing our book sale, and selling book bags. We netted eleven new members at this event thanks to Karen’s efforts!

Talbots donated 10% of select sales that day to the Friends and yesterday they announced that they’ve extended the fundraiser through Sunday. Remember: to qualify, shoppers need to indicate that their purchases support the Friends.

Karen’s a fan. “If you’re considering treating yourself to something new for Mothers Day, a summer celebration, wedding, birthday or vacation, Talbots has beautiful colors to choose from and the styles are fantastic,” she said. “And they have a store-wide 30% off sale this weekend.”

Talbots is in the Bridgeport Village shopping center, 7381 SW Bridgeport Road, Tigard. We hope you’ll stop by.