Friends support Dia de los Ninos event

Grupo CondorGrupo Condor will perform at the Tualatin Library’s Día de los Niños/Día de los Libros (Day of the Children/Day of the Books) celebration. The Friends donated funds for this free family event which will take place at the library on Saturday May 2nd from 2 pm to 4 pm. Come with the whole family and enjoy the music, activities, refreshments, and balloon animals.

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Friends of the Library outstanding volunteers

Donald and SonyaTwo members of the Friends of Tualatin Library Board were honored as Outstanding Volunteers at the annual City of Tualatin volunteer appreciation event on April 9th.

Sonya Ambuehl has been a library volunteer for more than five years, processing check-ins and holds. She serves on two City committees: the Tualatin Library Advisory Committee and the City Facilities Task Force. Sonya has also been a dedicated volunteer at Friends booksales and serves on the Friends Board of Directors.

Donald Swygard volunteers in the library three days a week as a tutor to kids from K-12. In addition, he spends his Fridays supporting the Friends bookselling efforts as a shipper of our Amazon sales and replenisher of our ongoing booksale in the library. When it’s time for our semi-annual booksales, Donald helps retrieve boxes of books from our storage location before the sale and returns the empties at the end. Donald also serves on our Board of Directors.

Congratulations to Sonya and Donald and to the other volunteers honored at the volunteer appreciation event.

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Art of the Story Festival: April 11 – 18

Art of the Story FestivalThere will be 17 storytelling performances this year in the 11th annual WCCLS Art of the Story Festival. The events will take place at various venues including two in Tualatin:

  • Chetter Galloway will perform “A Tale of a Few Tricksters” at the Tualatin Heritage Center on Sunday, April 12 at 2 pm.
  • Kuniko Yamamoto will tell the story “Six Steps to Become a Wise Man” on Thursday, April 16 at 7 pm in the library Community Room.

Performers in this year’s festival include both local and national storytellers – Judith Black, Sam Payne, Kuniko Yamamoto, Chetter Galloway, and performers from Portland’s Brody Theater company.

On the evening of April 18, the Sherwood Public Library hosts the final storytelling concert at the new Sherwood Cultural Arts Community Center, featuring performances by all four storytellers and the Brody Theater ensemble. A reception precedes the concert offering a no-host bar with complimentary hors d’oeuvres.

All Art of the Story Festival events are free and open to the public thanks, in part, to a donation by Friends of the Tualatin Library. Most events, including the two in Tualatin, are suitable for adults and kids ages 6+. You can find a complete schedule with times and locations on the WCCLS website.

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