Tualatin honors Friends of the Library

National-Friends-of-the-Library-Week-logoThe Tualatin City Council passed a proclamation at its October 12th meeting declaring the week of 10/18 to 10/24 to be National Friends of the Library Week in the City of Tualatin.

The Council’s proclamation recognizes that our organization has provided more than $125,000 to the library in the past ten years and that our members have served thousands of volunteer hours in the library. It states that the “Friends’ gift of their time and commitment to the Library sets an example for all in how volunteerism leads to positive civic engagement and the betterment of our community.”

We invite you to read the full text of the proclamation.

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Friends fund movies at the library

movie licenseAt our September meeting, the Friends voted to fund the library’s annual $1000 movie license expense. This allows the library to show movies in the library throughout the year in compliance with copyright laws.

This donation supports popular programs like Teen Friday Night Movies where the library opens after regular hours for movies in the teen room. Additional information about Teen Friday Night Movies can be found on the library website.

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