Holiday book selections

Holiday book selectionsThe Friends have a nice assortment of holiday themed books for sale at our ongoing book sale in the Tualatin Public Library. You’ll find holiday kids books, cookbooks, and adult fiction on both sides of the freestanding bookcase. Ongoing book sale co-chair Donna Gilbo is tidying the books in the picture at left.

We also have an ever-changing selection of quality fiction and nonfiction books on the shelves against the wall. Volunteers restock the shelves daily, so it pays to check often. Many of these books are in like-new condition and would make excellent gifts.

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Sean Gaskill to perform at the library

Sean GaskillSean Gaskill will play the kora and sing in a performance at the Tualatin Library on Sunday, November 20, 2016, 2 pm to 3 pm. The kora is an ancient 21-stringed harp from West Africa. Sean will sing traditional pieces from the kora’s musical repertoire as well as some of his own personal compositions.

The kora is native to the Mande peoples who live in Gambia, Senegal, Mali, Guinea, and Guinea Bissau. The music is traditionally played by oral and musical historians known as Griots (Gree-ohs). The kora is a melodic and seemingly peaceful instrument, which is somewhat contrary to the lyrics in its musical repertoire. Some songs tell ancient stories of war and hardship, while others praise people of high political status and those who helped expand the Mande Empire.

A Friends of Tualatin Library donation supports the library’s Sunday Music Series.

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Book sale reminder

Display caseThe Friends Fall book sale is coming up this weekend, November 4-6. Friends volunteers Virginia Green, Molly Burns, and Laura Baker decorated the library’s lobby display case with books and memorabilia to help publicize the sale.

The picture shown here doesn’t do justice to their charming display. Among many other items it includes two one-million dollar bills, a miniature book titled “The Library Cat,” and a bookmark with the quote “Life is too serious to be taken seriously.” Be sure to check it out when you come to the sale.

Book sale hours are:

Friday, November 4, 3-6 pm
Saturday, November 5, 10 am-4 pm
Sunday, November 6, 1-4 pm

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