Remember to vote: May 19, 2020

This year’s Oregon Primary Election includes a levy measure for the Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) network. The Tualatin Library participates in WCCLS, receiving many benefits, such as interlibrary loan, shared electronic resources, book purchases, and more.

Measure 34-297 would renew a five-year levy to maintain current levels of countywide library service for another five years. It includes funding provisions for the following:

  • Public library operations
  • Reading programs for children
  • Book purchases
  • Resources for jobseekers
  • Central support that links Washington County libraries together

Ballots are due by May 19, 2020. You can either mail yours or drop it off in the ballot drop box in the library parking lot until 8 pm on election night.

WCCLS provides a good summary of the the measure on their website: Proposed Library Levy Renewal 2020

Continue ReadingRemember to vote: May 19, 2020

Vote “Yes” for libraries

Vote "Yes" for librariesA levy which will replace the existing library levy, Measure 34-235, is on the Washington County ballot on November 3. This levy replacement is crucial for maintaining our current high quality services. The rate is 5 cents higher than the last levy – the first increase since 2006. It replaces a 5-year levy expiring June 2016, which provides one-fourth of Tualatin Public Library funding. We need it to pass, and your vote is very important.

For more information about the levy:

Yes for Libraries!

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