You can help Friends of the Tualatin Library earn donations by shopping at your local Fred Meyer store. Fred Meyer is donating money to nonprofits based on customers who link their rewards card to their favorite nonprofit. This does not affect your personal rewards points; both accounts earn points. It’s a win-win for you and for the library.
If you already have a Fred Meyer Rewards Card:
1. Visit
2. Click on “Link your rewards now.”
3. Sign into your Fred Meyer member account.
4. Once you see the “Community Rewards Program” screen, type Friends of the Tualatin Public Library or our organization number, 80390, in the box, then click on the “search” button.
5. When “Friends of the Tualatin Public Library” shows up, click on the circle to link your card with our program, then click on the “save” button.
If you need to get a Fred Meyer Rewards Card:
1. Visit
2. Click on “Link your rewards now.”
3. Once you see the “Sign-in” screen, locate and click on the “Get started. Sign up today” text located at the bottom of the right-side column.
4. Complete the application process.
5. Activate your membership by clicking on the email sent by Fred Meyer.
6. Now, follow the steps for those who have a rewards card.